Idea for Next Series of Novels!

Idea for Next Series of Novels! Cover Image

Lee Swanson

I have finally decided on the subject for my next series of novels. Isabella de Beaumont was a lady-in-waiting and confidant to Edward I's Queen Eleanor as well his son's Queen Isabella. Isabella de Beaumont was also a formidable woman herself, being appointed by the elder Edward to the governorship of Scarborough Castle in Yorkshire and Bamburgh in Northumberland, something almost unheard of for women of the period.

But I'm not thinking of Isabella de Beaumont as the primary focus. That will be a fictional character, Isabeau of Conches, who accompanies Isabella on her journey to be wed in England in 1278.

So, two twelve year old girls undergoing a sea journey to a foreign land, so one can be married. What could possibly go wrong here?

I am not deserting Christina Kohl, have no fear. The publication date for Her Dangerous Journey Home draws near, soon to be followed by the fourth book in the series, She Serves the Realm. A fifth? A one word hint: Bannockburn!